if u call me gay with no facts u're gay 4 judging me
I like to dab a bit of everything in the field of art. Actor/Musician/Artist
Age 27, Male
The Art Institutes
The GA
Joined on 4/20/08
yes, but not retarded!
i can tell u're dumb now cause dumb & retarted is da same thing
i'm so cool ain't i
Im back and bored ...................
greetings from :
fuck mangekyou-edd500
well alest im not on that acount anymore
im so dumb, u are him
"Gay" is a misused statement. You are an idiot.
Proof for being an idiot: Being a general troll. A bad troll, no less.
What you could do to improve: Stop what you're doing and actually be a respectable user instead of a 15-year-old attention whore. Or don't bother using this account at all.
That will be all.
u're dumb so dont tell me nonthin agin ok bitch
u r not king loser u r a drunk person on crack looking for a man to make love to now is that sweet
ur a fagget ass bitch
............ur a...........uhhhhhhhh......retard
u're fuckin dumb r u