an most of that i dont have
I like to dab a bit of everything in the field of art. Actor/Musician/Artist
Age 27, Male
The Art Institutes
The GA
Joined on 4/20/08
an most of that i dont have
you said a mouth full.
no he!!!
he said a mouth full!!!
oh god, the evilness
Bah, just ignore him and he'll kill himself. He just wants some attention.
i think he did
Not my Mountain Dew!
But no, he's a troll. Don't acknowledge him, delete his comments, and soon enough, he'll be on his way.
ow in da hell u spell mom wrong
Hes an O.K. guy.
....or not.
i agree what da last line u wrote
cock joke.
kind of
what about my best insult go yo my page its in one of the post
hate => internet => lulz !
i=>dont=>care !
good thing he's gone now
create alt,then spam him with them...
i no